The stock to buy next week

Next week is one of Jim Cramer’s favorite weeks of the year for earnings. Investors can finally get past chatter of the Federal Reserve and politics and focus on the fundamentals of earnings.

Unfortunately, Cramer isn’t a big fan of many of the stocks that report.

“My advice? Listen, learn, find out. Sometimes there is not that much money to be made. Next week is one of those times,” the “Mad Money” host said.

With this in mind, Cramer shared the stocks and events on his radar for next week:

Thursday: Bank of America (BAC), Delta (DAL), GameStop (GME) analyst meeting

Delta: Cramer thinks the airline stocks are dirt cheap. Investors will find out just how cheap they are when Delta reports. Usually if a stock sells at just six times next year’s earnings, it means that the company cannot make the earnings.

“In this case, I think Delta is doing so well and the stock is so low that opportunity may be knocking, especially if you believe, as I do, that oil I staying lower longer. If there were a stock to buy before it reports next week I think it would be Delta,” Cramer said.